Proof I Can’t Multitask



Today, I was so excited about getting on my new treadmill!  Starting today, I could exercise when ever time was found to do so. Even in the middle of the night, if I so desired!  I popped gum in my mouth and I was good to go. 

After about ten minutes of a steady light run, all the wet had been sucked out of my gum. Pulling a new piece out of my pocket, I popped it in my mouth without breaking my stride. But, the old piece of gum fell out of my mouth and onto the moving belt of the treadmill—and stuck!  

Every time it came by, I tried, unsuccessfully, to kick it off the belt with my foot.  Realizing that the gum could ruin the expensive piece of equipment, I judged the speed and leaned down, hoping to swipe the errant piece of gum up as it glided by. 

As I leaned over to grab, free hand holding onto the stationary front, I lost my balance and threw myself onto the floor; taking out the end table, the lamp, the magazine rack and a basket of laundry.  Further proving that I  can’t  multitask.

Like walking while trying to pick something up, when we try to live by the world’s standards and still serve Christ, in time, we fall and make a mess. We must set aside the things of this world; the common language, the neglect of Godly pursuits and the activities that don’t fit the Christ life.    

As a Christian, I can’t live triumphantly in Christ if I have one foot in the world.  Sadly, when I try to walk with Christ AND have one foot in the world, I also damage my testimony of the Christ life to those who are watching me.  Every day, every moment, I have to choose who I will serve.

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” 


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Mine Has to be BOLD

Psalms 104:1-5

Being a lover of good strong “full bodied” java, the write ups in coffee advertisements using terms like, “flowery” amuse me. Do I choose a coffee for its delicate aroma; should it tease my senses like a fresh cut flower? Am I looking for a morning cup that could be used as cologne?

NO! I don’t want a cup of wimpy coffee. I like my coffee to be down right BOLD! In the same way, I’m the type of person who needs a bold God. My God has to be ALMIGHTY!

My God is not a god whose name can be used as a generic cuss word.  My heart breaks for people whose god is so wimpy that they can say, “My god, it’s hot outside.”  Seriously?  Your god is so ordinary you can use his name to describe the weather?  Why on earth is he your god if he’s that common?

That’s why I’ve chosen to serve the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the creator of the universe.  Jesus Christ, the Lord God Almighty is my God!  Who is YOUR God?

Psalms 104: 1-5 Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty.  He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.  He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.  He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.  He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

Prayer: My Lord, you are very great and holy. My heart is humbled by the understanding that you could love me so much that you want to spend time with me, to talk to me, to listen to me. Thank you that you have chosen me to be your child. I love you. Amen.

Exodus 20:7 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

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Less of ME!

Since I struggle with my weight, I’m constantly searching for ways to make dieting easier. Experience has taught me that no matter how much I pay for diets and gym memberships, there is only one absolute method for success:  the self discipline to eat less, exercise more.  It works every time!  

One of the diet ‘clubs’ that I’ve joined through the years was called, “Less of Me”. The group provided the encouragement of fellowship with others who struggled just like I did.  There is always strength found in fellowship!  

John the Baptist spoke of Jesus saying, “He must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30). The difference between the spiritual ‘less of me’ concept and the weight loss version is; with Jesus, there’s something to fill the void!   

Jesus loved us so much that He gave His life that we could know HIM intimately.  More than just the surface relationship of supportive friends at a weight loss group; an intimate relationship like a husband loves his wife.  

Like staying physically fit, spiritual fitness requires self discipline. We should challenge ourselves; make a conscious effort to make ‘more of Jesus’ one of our daily goals. Just like a plan for physical fitness, it will require both discipline and action.  

As difficult as it is to set a time for daily exercise; setting a time for daily Bible study and prayer can be even more of a challenge! The first step is to make a plan; but the most important step is to DO it.  Nothing ‘we’ do that benefits our physical self or our spiritual self is easy to accomplish!  

However, the “less of me more of Jesus” concept has not only a benefit for ‘today’ but for eternity as well!  The inner self wants to be physically and spiritually healthy, but without hands on discipline, both will fail.  More of Jesus, less of —me 

Galations 5: 16-18 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.

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What’s Your Flavor?

Ice Cream Flavors


Philippians 2:12b-13

One of my grandsons loves Cookies ‘N Cream ice-cream. His brother, on the other hand, prefers simple unadorned chocolate. Their sister embraces a mix of the two viewpoints.  Sometimes, she prefers simple, other times, she prefers elaborate taste combinations.  She says it just depends on how she feels that day.

God has made each of us different; different talents, different attitudes, family backgrounds, experiences, likes/dislikes and styles.  We all have our own “flavor.” The important thing is that we choose to love the Lord with all of our heart and seek only those things that please Jesus.

Being a Christian isn’t about rules or regulations, it’s about a relationship. When we have a personal relationship with Jesus, our lives and attitudes reflect that intimacy. As we grow in Christ, our deepening intimacy is revealed in every area of our life.

No matter how much we want to; we can not change anybody but ourselves. But, we do influence the lives of those around just as those around us influence us. As we spend time in God’s Word, make time for prayer and take time to spend in fellowship with God’s people, we become more and more Christ like.

Philippians 2:12b-13 “…work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure”

Prayer:  Lord, help me to always realize that you created each of us in your own image and that you love each of us individually. You did not instruct us to go out and make disciples of ourselves, but rather disciples of you. Help me to know you intimately so that others see you in me.  Amen.

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Sometimes, It’s All About ME!

 My 9 year old grandson, Max, was the only one at school today; his brother and sister were sick.  When I picked Max up after school and asked how he was, he grinned from ear to ear and said, “I’m just GREAT!  This morning, I had Mom all to myself.”  He shut his eyes, as if savoring the memory.

He proceeded to tell me about his extravagant morning of individualized attention.  He said usually in the morning, his mom is all about getting stuff ready and he gets cold cereal.  But this morning, with both his brother and his sister in bed with fevers, it was, and I quote, “all about Max”.  He said “Mom was all over me”; “Maxie, do you need anything? Maxie how are you doing, are you ready to go yet?”   

He further revealed that breakfast this morning had been HOMEMADE FRENCH TOAST with hot syrup, served to him personally.  He said he didn’t have just one piece, but as many as he wanted!  He declined to say how many pieces that was. 

As we turned into his neighborhood, he leaned back in the seat and sighed, “Tomorrow, if I’m still the only one well, I’m gonna ask for some bacon to go with my French toast–.”  In today’s busy world, individual attention is always a special treat! 

One of the many things that I love about being a Christian is that our God cares for us individually. Even though God’s grace is extended to all people, it requires an individual response.

We are created for personal relationship with God but satan does everything he can to spoil that intimacy with our Lord. When Jesus hung on the cross, He was paying the individual price for your sin. It was, “All about YOU.”

John 1:12  To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.


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Grandma’s Moustache?

grandmas moustache

After dinner, my little grandson was sitting on my lap.  He looked at me with those big 4 year old eyes and very seriously said, “mamaw, kiss me on the lips.”  I told him, no, but I’d kiss him on the cheek, and I did.   

He insisted, “mamaw, I want you to kiss me right on my lips!”  And he puckered up his little mouth.  I hugged him and said, “Maxie, someday you will kiss your girl friend on the lips and your wife on the lips, but mamaw is not going to kiss you on the lips.”  

He said, “oh.”  Then he said, “Well mamaw, then can I lick your lips with my tongue?”  Momentarily I was speechless — recovering, I said, “WHY on earth would you want to lick mamaw’s LIPS?”   He very innocently said, “Because I want to see if your moustache tickles me like Daddy’s does.” 

It’s so easy to miss things in our lives that are so obvious to others! An attitude of self righteousness, a selfish heart, an arrogant spirit; all these things are easily seen by those around us but most often not noticed within ourselves.   

The scripture says we should look at our own heart before we examine the ways of others. (Matthew 7:3) satan would much rather we pick at each other instead of taking a serious look at our own faults.  As long as we ignore our personal shortcomings, we don’t turn our weaknesses over to Jesus so the Holy Spirit can teach our heart to love with perfect love. 

The next time we begin to criticize what somebody is doing, we need to say,

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalms 139: 23-24) 

Prayer:  Father, help me to first examine my own heart before I examine the heart of anybody else. Make me sensitive to your Spirit so I’m aware of my own shortcomings. Amen.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 7:3  Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?





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Not a Gift Till You Receive It

messy gift 1

One night years ago, I went to the grandkids house to help wrap their Christmas gifts for their parents. They had gotten their mama a glass candy jar. After studying the jar, the boys decided the best way to wrap the gift was to roll it in paper like a mummy. After about 15 layers, they decided the jar was wrapped and ready to be taped. 

Max stood up and held the jar carefully on both ends, wrestling to keep all the paper from unrolling.  Zac began to wrap tape around the paper swathed jar.  He wrapped around and around, overlapping each wrap on the other for “security reasons.”

Finally, the boys lay the gift carefully on the floor.  They squatted down and surveyed their work.  Satisfied the present was absolutely wrapped, the boys lovingly placed the gift under the tree. The gift was a monument to wrapping; not even nuclear war could unravel their work!   

Max sighed and said, “Ok, now, mom’s gift is all done.”  Zac solemnly said, “No, Max, the gift isn’t done until mom actually opens it, then it is done.” Zac and Max’s gifting for their mom would not be finished until their mom received the gift.   

So it is with God’s gift of his son.  Have YOU actually received the gift?  Take a moment now, humble yourself and ask Jesus into your heart to forgive all your sins. Being a Christian isn’t about rules and regulations, it’s about a relationship. Through that relationship, our lives are changed.  

(John 3:16)  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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The Gift of Beaded Fruit

Dads beaded fruit

One Christmas, the adults in our family decided that we would draw ‘family’ names instead of gifting individuals. The ‘gift’ was to be a household gift, not specific for either spouse. The ladies talked among themselves and shared ideas for ‘couples’ gifts.  

At our family party, “our” gift was a beautiful glass dish of beaded fruit, tastefully selected by our youngest daughter.  That night, my husband was uncharacteristically quiet. Finally, he gave a very illustrative sigh.  Sensing his obvious suffering, I asked him ‘what’s wrong’?  He said, “I didn’t get ANYthing for Christmas from the kids.  Nothing.”   

I reminded him about getting ‘couples’ gifts; something for the home instead of something personal.  Enthusiastically, I told him about the beautiful bowl of beaded fruit that was now the center piece on our dining room table.  Dan was thoughtfully silent.  

Then, in total disbelief, he proclaimed, “You mean I got BEADED FRUIT for Christmas?  BEADED FRUIT?”  Needless to say, whenever our daughters speak of Christmas gifts now, they always, very seriously add, “and do NOT get Daddy beaded fruit, get him something personal!” 

God created us for relationship with Himself. He sent His Holy Spirit so we could have more than a casual relationship, we could have intimacy.  Some say the gift of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, is of the devil.  

But, why would the devil give us something that brings us intimacy with the Lord?  Throw aside the constraints of tradition and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Any gift that God gives to bring us into intimacy with Himself, is ALL good!

 Luke 11:11-13 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”  

The Holy Bible, New International Version®. Pradis ;Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, © 1973, 1978, 1984.

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When You Hit the Door

max screen door

One summer night the family was over for a cookout.  Max, about 5 years old, had made a game of running in the side door then out the sliding patio door.  We had opened the screened patio door so Max could enjoy this little boy pleasure of running around and around. 

My brother, Bob, joined us; coming through the patio door, he pulled the screen shut.  Before any of us noticed, Max came running through, slammed into the screen, bounced off and landed on the floor on his back! 

For a stunned moment, Max lay looking up, a puzzled look on his face. Then, understanding, he said, “It’s the screen isn’t it?  Somebody went and shut the screen”.  

The saying, ‘when God shuts one door, He opens another’ is true, but when we hit that closed door, we often find ourselves on the floor, staring up and wondering what happened!  After a moment we often realize, God “went and shut the door”.  

When a door shuts, it doesn’t mean God has let you down; it means that’s not the direction His will for your life is taking you. Seek a relationship with the Lord, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:6)  

Proverbs 20:24 A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?


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The Gospel According to ME?

Gspl acdng to me 2 resz. 09 008

Anybody who knows me knows that I can NOT sing. In church, I have to watch other people to know when to clap!  Never the less, when I’m in the car with my young grandchildren, I love to sing and encourage them to sing along with me; it keeps them from fighting in the back seat while I drive.  

One afternoon in mamawl exuberance, I asked if the kids would like to sing “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”  Eight year old Zac quickly inquired, “Mamawl, do you want us to sing it the way you sing it or the way it’s supposed to sound?” 

Our relationship with Jesus has a personal affect on the lives of those around us, whether we realize it or not. Even our small decisions and the commitments they hold have eternal consequences.  Every area of our life will, in time, reflect our daily decisions and affect those who watch our lives. Does our life reflect the world, or illustrate Christ?  Do our every day routines and decisions look like Jesus?  

Do those closest to us; our mate, our children and our extended family, see Christ in our priorities and goals? How does our every day life reflect our savior?  Do we consciously choose to make those moment by moment decisions that are based on Godly principles? Remember, each of us has someone who looks up to us. Think about it; what IS the Gospel according to ME? 

I Cor. 11:1  Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. NIV

Prayer:  Father, please help me to represent your loving kindness and direction to those around me.  Help me to study your Word so that I know your plan.  I love you. Amen.

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