Be A Bear!

be a bear teddy

After an accident that led to a dental disaster, I was forced to go without two teeth or a temporary crown for several days. Of course, as luck had it, it was my front teeth that were missing. I looked like a jack-o-lantern! 

My little grandson, Zack, had not seen me since my dental disaster. When I stooped down on the floor eye to eye with him, he got this horrified look on his face!  Putting his hands on my shoulders, facing me, he very solemnly said, “Mamaw, I need to talk to you!” 

He took a deep breath and said, “Mamaw, I want you to know, I’m here for you and it’s gonna be OK!” Taking another deep breath and looking me right in the eye, he solemnly said, “Mamaw, your tooths are gone.” After this pained utterance, he threw himself into my arms, patting me on the back, murmering, “I’m right here, mamaw, I’m right here.” 

Seeing the little guy with those big serious concerned blue eyes and hearing him say “I’m here for you mamaw” touched my heart!  His comfort was genuine and heart felt. At the tender age of not quite 4, he was learning to “bear each other’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ.” 

In the face of a friend or loved ones pain and suffering, sometimes we feel inadequate in our efforts to help. To represent the love and compassion of Christ it is not required that we fix their problems or give some pontific point of advice. Most tragedies in life have no “fix” outside of God. 

Sometimes, the most helpful thing we can do is to simply be available and pray.  If there is any way we can help remedy their need, God will direct, but only if we are quietly there to hold them first. 

 Galatians 6:2 “Bear each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Prayer: Father, help me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so I’m aware of the needs around me.  I want to reach out and help those who are hurting to stand strong in Christ.  Amen.


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Scheduled Maintenance

garage 7

 While waiting for my daughter to get out of school today, I enjoyed one of my favorite pass times—reading bumper stickers. There was one that gave me pause to think. “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car..”.

 The statement is very true, but certainly an odd analogy.  The car wearing the bumper sticker was in good shape, though it had a few miles on it.  So, I can only figure the people do keep their car in the garage and probably take their car to The Garage for maintenance and check ups on a regular basis. 
 If a car goes to The Garage for regular check ups, there’s less likely to be a big repair bill somewhere down the road.  And everybody knows that car buffs hang out together in the garage and talk ‘cars’; sharing ‘been there done that’ experiences about what they’ve learned along the highway.  It’s good for a car to be kept in the garage; all car manuals say that’s the best way to keep the car clean and running well. 

The bumper sticker statement was very true; being in the garage doesn’t make the car a car. Although, I’ve never heard anybody who kept their car in the garage or took it to The Garage for regular maintenance say they thought it was a mistake or a waste of time–.  

However, I have heard some folks say they wish they HAD kept their car in the garage instead of leaving it parked out by the curb—but—I don’t think anybody ever put that on a bumper sticker.  Things that make you say, “hmmmm”.

Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  

The Holy Bible, New International Version®. Pradis CD-ROM. Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, © 1973, 1978, 1984.








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got rhythm re

Three days a week, I go to the gym. I take a radio with earphones with me because it’s easier to sweat when you’re entertained. There’s a lot of noise at the gym, so I turn the sound up LOUD. Climbing on the exercise bike, I set the pace, close my eyes and you just wouldn’t BELIEVE the places I don’t go!

One morning, as I started my pace, my favorite tunes were playing. The imaginary miles started slipping by as I pedaled to the rhythm. Shutting my eyes, I let the sound move me! Somewhere along the way, I started singing to myself. I can NOT sing; at church, I have to watch people around me to see where I’m supposed to clap!

Song over, I shut the bike off and climbed down. The folks on the bikes beside me were just cracking UP!  As I walked away, somebody hollered at me, “Thanks for the concert”! How embarrassing!

As I headed toward the weight room, the precious Holy Spirit quickened my heart. Even when we don’t realize it, the world is watching us. Sometimes, we aren’t sure what to do or which way to go.  But whatever our choice, somebody is watching to see what our choice will be.

In all our ways; attitudes, relationships, goals and entertainment choices, we should acknowledge Christ as Lord of our life and do only those things that represent Him. We call ourselves Christians—but are we moving to the beat of the world, or the rhythm of the word of God?  

I Timothy 1:15-16  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.


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Made Me Wake Up!

alarm clock

After an exhausting first day of school as a first grader, I asked my grandson, Max, what he thought of his teacher.  He said he did NOT like her; he didn’t like her at all.  Surprised, I asked him “Why?” He proclaimed, “Cause she keeps wakin’ me UP!” 

Sometimes, I experience a sudden wake UP when reading my Bible.  About the time I’m getting a handle on a situation in my life or getting victory over a personal battle, I read the scripture and HEY!  I never saw THAT before!  Never mind I’ve read that verse a hundred times in a dozen different versions; today, when I read it, it wakes me up to another area of my life that needs Christ’s influence. Mercy.  

God gave us His Word so we could have a standard of holiness and commitment.  No matter how many times we read the Bible cover to cover, there’s always a new conviction, a new insight or a new revelation to mold us into the image of Christ. 

Satan knows that reading scripture, spending time with the Lord in conversation (prayer) and fellowship with the body of Christ brings intimacy to our relationship.  When we have intimacy through fellowship in the Word, we live triumphantly even when life is hard. Let the Word wake you up so you see clearly where the conflicts of life come from–and how to be victorous.

Ephesians 5: 13-14  But everything exposed by the light becomes visible for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Prayer:  Father, help me to listen to your Holy Spirit so I’m aware of what you want to speak into my life.  I never want to be caught napping when your Word speaks to my heart. I love you. Amen.

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My grandson (age 4) loves gloves, he calls them glubs. Whenever he goes to the doctor or dentist, he isn’t interested in a “good boy sticker.” He wants a pair of the colored vinyl gloves like the doctor had on.

I found a pair of costume skeleton gloves for him.  He turned them over and smelled them; they smelled really bad because of the embossed bone print. He looked at me and grinning big said, “thanks, mamaw, they JUST what I been needin’!”  If I’d only known—I could have gotten them for him sooner.  

Later, as I turned to put supper on the table, there he stood; WEARING 2 grocery store bags! One he had taken a pair of scissors and cut two cuts in the bottom, put his legs through the cuts and pulled the bag up so the handles went over his shoulders, making grocery bag overalls. 

 The second bag he had put across his back, putting an arm through each handle. The bag puffed over his shoulders like a balloon cape. Underneath his bag outfit, he wore a pair of black shorts. He had put a blue plastic mixing bowl on his head, a pair of black knee socks on his feet and his new black bone gloves on his little hands. 

 Stunned, I said, MAX! what are you doing?  He stood there, hands on his hips and proclaimed, “I’m Bag Man, I fight evil all over!”  Before I could regain my composure, he held out a black gloved hand and said, “Smell my hand, it has vapors on it to fight evil.”  From Bag Man’s bowl helmet to the ‘protective guiding socks’; he explained that each piece of his armor had special ‘reasons.’

In Ephesians 6, God uses the armor of a warrior to illustrate how important our Christian armor is.  As Christians, we are in a battle, a battle where the victory is certain but the battle is tough.  Every piece of our armor has ‘reasons.’  If we neglect to dress for battle, or go into battle with a piece of our ‘armor’ missing, we risk serious spiritual injury.  

Every day, remember, dress for spiritual warfare. We need more than just the helmet of salvation to go to war. We need the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit and the shoes of the Gospel of peace. We actually are in a spiritual battle; put your war clothes on.   

Ephesians 6:13  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  

The Holy Bible, New International Version®. Pradis. Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, © 1973, 1978, 1984.



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It’s Good To Exercise!

man on bike

I had been having trouble getting to the gym to work out. There is always time for “death by chocolate” but no time for “death by sweat”. Being at that blessed “prime heart attack” age, I KNOW what I need to do, it is just that I lack the discipline to get it done. The obvious conclusion: DO IT.   

At the gym, I keep my radio in my pocket and wear headphones; find a good beat and go for the burn! I was riding the stationary bike and my radio shut off!  While I was struggling with the dials, trying not to fall off  head first;  I was getting SO FRUSTRATED!  

The girl running on the treadmill next to me noticed I was struggling and said, “problem”? I said “yeah, I lost my beat and I don’t know WHAT is wrong, it’s like my radio just turned itself off!” 

She nodded, looking puzzled, watched me for a second then said, “Have you tried putting the headphones on?” The earphones had slipped off and were around my neck! Sometimes, technology leaves me clueless.

We can be so dedicated to keeping ourselves healthy!  We focus on a routine at the gym, walk at a certain time each day or maybe we start the day with a regimen of exercise.  We discipline ourselves because we KNOW if we don’t we will become physically weak and unhealthy.  

It is good to be health conscious! How much more important is it to be disciplined in our spiritual regimen?  When we are pressed for time or a bit tired, our devotions and/or Bible study are often the first thing we become lax in.  Like exercise, the benefits of a committed devotion time are long term.

 Our bodies get old and die no matter how much we exercise.  Our spirit will live for eternity. Both physical fittness and spiritual fittenss are important to live a healthy life. Determine to keep your body and your spirit strong and fit.   

(I Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.)

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Make A Memory

A memory vase. 09 002

When I was a young woman, my mother and I would often go to Fenton Art Glass. One trip stands out in my memory because it was for my 25th birthday.  She bought me a vase to commemorate my living a quarter of a century. 

The beautiful glass vase that we chose together sits in a window in my home today, catching the sunlight and reflecting it in rainbows. Every time I look at it, my heart smiles in remembrance of the day spent together and the laughter we shared.

As Christians, we spend time with God to find direction, strength and wise counsel before we make any life decisions. Whenever we doubt God’s direction or forgiveness, we can take our mind back to the exact moment when we met with God and reaffirm His direction for our lives.  We have a definite memory to stand on, a reference point that we can point to and say, “I know it’s real, right here is where it happened!” 

Just as you enjoy time spent with your parents or children and friends, God treasures the time we spend with Him! Make a memory in your heart when God speaks to you through His Word, preaching or His Spirit. Treasure that memory as a point of confirmation whenever you doubt our heavenly Father’s love or direction.

God wants to be an every day God; He’s interested in every area of our life. Remind your heart to tell Him you love Him often.  Hold awareness of Him close.   

Psalm 77: 11-12  I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will remember all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

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Never Gonna Find That!

cabinet door knob

When my grandson, Henry, was about three, I put safety child locks on my kitchen cabinets. It was hard to get used to the ‘undo it’ deal before opening the cabinets. Again and again, I would grab the handle to open and the door would catch, throwing me off balance.

One day, my young grandson was in the kitchen with me as I was struggling with the new child locks–I’m NOT mechanically inclined. In his toddler concern, he informed me that “I will fix dat for you, mamawl.”  Laughing, I told him never mind, mamaw would get used to it.

Later that night I went to open a cabinet door.  I found that the knob had been removed from the door.  In fact, the knobs had been carefully removed from ALL the cabinet doors!  The safety locks still held tight, but no knobs.  I’m thinking, “what????”  Remembering the earlier conversation, I called my daughter and asked her to ask my little toddler helper where he had removed them to.

Henry came to the phone and said, “I trying to fix them doors for you, mamawl, but it didn’t work, they still stuck shut.’   I told him how I appreciated his care and effort, but, I really needed the knobs, where had he stashed them?  He said, “I tooked them away.”

For about a week, we searched for the knobs but never did find them; we ended up replacing every one of them!  To this day, we do not know where Henry stashed the knobs. It remains one of those “unsolved toddler mysteries.”

When we confess our sins to the Lord, He takes them and puts them so far away it is impossible to find them. “—as far as the east is from the west”. No matter how horrible the sin, when we repent, God removes them from His memory totally, never to bring them up to us again.

Sometimes, the sins we have committed leave deep scars and unfortunate consequences in our lives and the lives of those we love. These scars and consequences will be worked out through God’s love when we continue to serve Him. Sometimes, the healing and restoration takes years, decades, even lifetimes, but through God’s faithfulness, we can move on.

God is faithful to give us grace, mercy and healing. God never brings up our past sins and he doesn’t want us to think on them either!  When those things come to mind, in your heart, turn aside and praise Him.

Psalms 103:12 “—as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” 

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The Truth About Servants


Isn’t it amazing how much JUNK you can accumulate around the house?  I gathered up all the stuff that has no purpose, put it on the front porch and called a local charity to pick it up. The next afternoon, I sat on the front steps with the book I was reading, my cup of coffee (in my favorite cup), and my NEW running shoes. 

My intention was to finish the chapter I was reading while I enjoyed the last few sips of coffee, then, put on my new running shoes and run.  Good plan, until the phone interrupted. The phone call took longer than I thought it would. Finally, I headed back to the front porch to drink the last sip of coffee, put on my running shoes and run. 

To my dismay, the charity truck had come while I was in the house and taken not only the STUFF, but my running shoes, my book AND my favorite coffee cup! The feeling of betrayal was overwhelming. I’d freely given of my excess and in return they had taken all I had! 

Sometimes, when we serve God, we feel the same sense of betrayal.  We freely give God our time, our finances and our talents.  Having given all we expect God to reward us for our generosity. We forget that everything we have is God’s to start with. Without His blessings and mercy, we would have nothing.  

When we truly commit our lives to Christ, it means that we allow God to use us anyway He wants to for any purpose He desires at any time He chooses. When we draw a line around our talents and possessions giving only what we think is necessary, we put limits on what God can do through us AND for us.  *) 

Make it your heart’s desire to be a profitable servant, a servant who willingly goes the “extra mile.” Don’t hold back anything from God. Then he will be free to pour out His blessings on you.  

Matthew 20:26-27  Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave;  just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.’



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Another Use for Duct Tape



Today, I spent the day with three of our grandkids.  All day long, I kept looking at my grandson and trying to figure out what was different about his appearance. Today, as he was reading his library book, it struck me what the difference was.

Casually, I said, “Hey,  what happened to your eye brows?”  At the same time he said, “Nothing,” his little sister said, “I didn’t MEAN to, mamaw!”  For the last two days, I had noticed that she would obediently do whatever he asked. This, in itself, was totally unheard of.  Something was very very strange and it had to do with my grandson’s eyebrows, or the lack of them.

Once more, I inquired, “So, what happened to your eye brows, bud?”  He got an extremely annoyed look on his face; glaring at his sister, who was once again mumbling about how it was an ACCIDENT.  He took a deep breath and with obvious controlled annoyance said, “I was sleeping on the couch and SHE put duct tape on them.”  He looked over at his sister, who was muttering, “I didn’t know it would do THAT.”

In disbelief, I started shaking my head ” What? No, no; she didn’t!”  He said, “Yes, she DID, she put duct tape on my eyebrows while I was asleep then she pulled the tape off.”  His forehead was beet red, obviously still suffering from the consequences of such a crude depilatory act.

Glaring at his sister, with no eyebrows for expression, he had this wide-eyed look of permanent amazement.  He said, “I want a cold drink.”  His sister turned and ran to the kitchen and got the cold drink, opened it and humbly handed it to her brother. I could tell it was going to be a long ‘payback’ for my granddaughter–.

When we ask Jesus into our heart to forgive us of our sins, our sins are taken so far away from us, they can never be returned.  God has no payback!  However, we are often left to deal with the life consequences that are caused by our sin. But, thankfully, God provides us with the Holy Spirit to direct us for reconciliation and instruction for recovery as well as keep us away from future sins!

Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Prayer:  Father, help me to avoid unkind behaviors and to always think about results before I act. Those times when I make a mess, forgive me and help me to work my way through the circumstances, in the love of Christ. Amen.


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