Make Time To KNOW


My 3 year old granddaughter, Emmy, said something that was simple, yet profound.  Her daddy asked her “Do you know mommy and daddy love you?”  Em replied “Of course I do” in her best ‘aren’t you silly’ voice. 

Her Daddy asked her how she knew her mommy and daddy loved her.  Without a moment of hesitation Em replied “I just do”. 

Sometimes, especially when life is hard, we have our doubts about God’s love for us.  Those doubts try to creep in, especially when we are in the middle of one of life’s conflicts.  Just like Job experienced, when we come across difficulties in life there is always a voice saying, “God doesn’t love you or your life would be easier”, or “where’s your God now?”  

Satan hates God and the relationship we have with God. To hurt God, satan hurts us.  Whether through use of lies, circumstances, sickness, pain, hopelessness, poverty or every day ‘busyness’, satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy our personal relationship with our Lord; he will do whatever it takes.

Without time spent in God’s Word and intimacy with the Lord through conversation (prayer) we don’t have that ‘knowing’ of God’s love. Again, satan will do whatever it takes to rob us of this intimacy. Look around the painful circumstances and see what’s really going on. 

We make time, set aside time, make appointments and keep calendars so the important things in our life get done. In our “busy-ness”, we must make time to talk with the Lord, to read God’s Word.

Just like we make time to do every day things, we must make time for our relationship with God. Today, right now, let’s make time for God, so we KNOW how much He loves us. 

Ephesians 2:4-5.  But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions, it is by grace you’ve been saved.

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