When Stuff Seems Really BIG


So, how’re you doing? Are you feeling a little down lately? Do people irritate you?

Are your finances stretched to the wall; the car needs fixed, and you haven’t had a vacation in—wow, can’t remember WHEN?   

Are you always tired and everybody is standing on your very last nerve? Has church become simply another responsibility; you look at your watch 50 times and wonder why you even came when you have so much to do?   

If some, or all, of these questions apply to you, then; you are a real person living in the real world! When everything that is normal to every day life seems bigger than life, there is a reason.   

One of the devil’s favorite tricks is to take a big magnifying glass and hold it in front of you. When seen through the magnifying glass, EVERYthing is BIG. Everybody in your life wants you to do something, even God. 

It’s time to step back, take a deep breath and simply sit down and be still. Weariness leads to discouragement which leads to anger. First thing you know, you’re mad at your family, your friends and even God. 

When we take time to simply sit down and talk to the Lord—not just petition, but chat, one on one, things come back into perspective. The Bible is good for instruction, but it is also meant for encouragement, peace and intimacy with the Lord.  

In all the busyness of life, take time, make time, to be with Jesus.  Sit at His feet, read the Psalms. Tell Him about all the things that bother you, busy you, hurt you, weary you.  Or, just be still with Him and– hush. 

Spending quiet time with Jesus is not a requirement; it’s a gift for– YOU! You will find new strength, encouragement and hope. The rigors of life aren’t likely to change, but you can stop looking through the magnifying glass and choose instead to magnify the Lord.   

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.




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