My grandson, Zack, was almost 4 and had just learned about having Jesus in his heart at Kid’s Church.
I was cleaning the bathroom and had the light on. The door was pulled “to” but not shut. Zac had been taught to turn lights OFF!
I heard his little stool dragging across the hall floor. His little hand reached in and flipped the light off. Before I could say a word, he pulled the door shut leaving me in the dark.
I said, “HEY! Mamaw’s in here, cleaning!” He hollered “YOU IN DARE MAMAW?”, I assured him I was. He struggled to turn the knob and reopen the door. Unsuccessful, he said, “Mamaw? You have Jesus in your heart?” I assured him, “yes, I do.”
He replied, “Then, you not have to be afraid any more!” I said, “I’m not afraid, I just would like to have some light!”
He was quiet for a minute, then, very confidently, he said, “Mamaw, Jesus the light of the world, you be ok in there.” Then, he added, “The light still on here, you just can’t see it from in there.”
Sometimes, many times, life is hard. God did not promise us that life would be easy. He did promise he would be with us through every dark time.
Even when the darkness of circumstances seems to overwhelm us and we don’t know where to turn or what to do, we can have peace. Jesus is there and will direct us into the light of His presence.
John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble, but take heed for I have overcome the world.