The Busy Tool

Life is busy, when I’m doing one thing, I’m thinking about what else needs to be done! 

I know satan wants to keep me from developing a personal relationship with the Lord. 

The tool for his plan is busyness. To defeat his plan, I’ve determined that I WILL, regardless of circumstances, spend time with my Lord daily.  Period.  

No longer will, ‘spend more time with God’ be on my list of things I should do.  Never again will my last thought before falling asleep be, “I’m sorry Lord, I’m so tired, tomorrow, I promise I’ll make time to talk with you.” (I John 4:4) 

My new attitude is, if I was “this” busy; would I cancel a dentist appointment?  Would I cancel a lunch date with my best friend?  If my answer is, “no,” then I will not cancel my planned quiet time with the Lord.  

Satan knows that being busy is likely to disrupt my plan and he focuses on that weakness. Now, that I realize that all this ‘busyness’ is keeping me from building a relationship with Jesus, I can realign my priorities. (Matt. 6;33)  

No more, “I’ll pray while I drive”. Everything else, I assign a specific ‘time’ for and apply discipline as necessary to accomplish the task.  It is only prayer that gets easily set to the side and left unattended.  

The Bible says the relationship between a (married) man and a woman represents our relationship with Christ.  Actually, it is the ONLY example God gave to illustrate that relationship. (Ephesians 5:21-32) Using the intimacy of marriage as a standard; intimacy with my Lord should be equally “uninterruptable”. 

I need to make whatever lifestyle or schedule adjusting it takes to make my plan a reality.  Like I tell my teenagers, you can’t just decide to do something, you have to choose to put sweat with the decision and move it out of your mind to your lifestyle. “Want to” and “doing it” are two different actions.  James 4:17 says, “Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” 

Because of “busyness”, I’ve  made the one who loves me so much He suffered and died so I could come to him face up–just another item on my long list of daily chores. But, now that I see my weakness with ‘busyness’, that ‘tool’ will no longer work. I’m not just planning a time for intimacy with my Lord; I’m actively carrying out that plan.   

Jeremiah 29: 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


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