I watched as my young grandson struggled to put his shoe on. After a few minutes, his Mom said, “Honey, let Mama help you.” He angrily responded that he was a BIG boy and he could do it himself!
His Mom lovingly took him on her lap and said, “I know you’re a big boy; I’m so proud of you! But, an important part of loving Mama is LETTING Mama love YOU. Now let me help put your shoe on.” The fire in his blue eyes cooled and he leaned back and put his foot up.
Sometimes, we dwell on the blessedness of “giving.” The grace of receiving is just as important. A very big part of loving others, including God, is ALLOWING ourselves to be loved. So often, when it is our turn to receive, we feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Feelings of unworthiness or guilt invade our heart and ruin the blessing.
Instead of happily receiving, we say nothing, or make light of the gift. Denying the giver their “joy of giving.” The Bible illustrates receiving as a natural response of giving. (Luke 6:38A “Give and it shall be given to you.) When you give without receiving, there’s a vacuum in your heart. Bitterness and anger can easily take over when a relationship is one sided.
Both giving and receiving are an important part of a loving relationship. If either one is off balance, our relationships can suffer. When we accept the gift of salvation, we enter into a relationship with God. Out of that relationship comes a desire to not only love but to be loved, as we’ve never been loved before.
Christianity isn’t about rules, it’s about relationship. When we have relationship, God’s ways are not hard or demanding. Everything He has is ours. But we must be willing to receive or the gift is wasted.
Prayer: Father, help me to be a generous giver and a gracious receiver. Show me the words to say to build up those who give to me. Help me know how to receive your gifts to me and teach me how to be a blessing to others as you bless me. I love you. Thank you for all your wonderful gifts. Amen.
Matt. 11:28-31 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”