The Joke That Healed

Sometimes, in life, there are people who stay only a little while but their actions touch our hearts forever.

When my Dad was living the last painful months with a rare form of liver cancer, I asked my Kid’s Church class to pray for him.

A little boy in the class, named Alex, asked if my Dad liked jokes.  I told him that he did, very much.  Alex asked if my Dad lived with me and my husband. I told him that he did.

Several days later, an envelope, addressed to my Dad in a childish scrawl, arrived in our mail box.  Inside, a carefully printed  joke, (signed) “love, Alex”.  

Every week for the next several months, a new envelope would arrive with another joke carefully printed on notebook paper tucked inside.  My Dad watched  for those envelopes, every day asking, “Has my joke come yet?”  

As Dad grew steadily weaker and began to be in more and more pain, he still looked for his weekly joke to arrive. He kept all the envelopes in a little pile beside his bed and every day, he would read each one—and laugh again.The pile of jokes grew till they had to be put in a shoebox because there were so many of them.

When Daddy was, at last, too weak to open the white envelopes by himself, I opened them for him and read the joke to him. His favorites were “the chicken crossed the road” jokes! The evening before he died, Dad told me to thank Alex for all the wonderful jokes, especially the chicken ones.

Several months after the funeral, when all the busyness that death brings was over with; the emotional pain of loss would wash over me in waves. But, no tears would come to wash the pain away.  I ached from the inside out.

One day, I found a simple white envelope in the mail box. This time,the childish handwriting was addressed to me.  Inside was the familiar piece of notebook paper with one of my Dad’s favorite jokes.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?  Because it wanted to be on the other side”. (signed) “The End.  Love, Alex”.  The tears flowed like drops of healing rain and– I –at last –began– to laugh again.

Psalms 147:3  He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

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A God For Right NOW

Why is it so difficult for us to see God in the situation we are dealing with TODAY? 

A Dr. once told me “It is much easier to see the hand of God in the aftermath of disaster then it is in the midst of the storm—never the less, He is there.” 

The disciples in the boat during the storm struggled with the same problem. Jesus was right there lying in the boat beside them.

Yet, they had great fear! (Luke 8:22) In the midst of a storm in your life, have you ever felt as the apostles did; like you needed to holler and wake Jesus up?  I have.   

In today’s tenuous world, we need more than hope for tomorrow, more than confidence in victories of the past.  We need God in a big way today.

In the middle of difficult circumstances faced today, there are two words that will give you the strength to make it through—right now.   

Not just to get through, not just ‘make it,’ but make it through today’s trial, triumphantly.  Those two words are God’s name that He gave himself; I AM. He did not call himself, I WAS or I WILL BE, He gave himself the name, I AM. 

Exodus 3:13-14  Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘the God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”  God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites, I AM has sent me to you.”


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When You Have Scaravision


Psalms 121:4

One evening my five year old grandson and I were watching a popular dinosaur movie. During the movie, a T-rex jumped out of the bushes, roaring fiercely.  Zac jumped to his feet, clutching his heart.  I asked if he was scared.

He replied, “No, I’m not scared, I have Jesus in my heart, I not have to be scared anymore.” Then, thoughtfully, he added, “Jesus’ sleeping right now, he’ll wake up in a minute!” A second later, he sighed and said, “There, Jesus is awake now, I’m not scared anymore.”

In the midst of life’s trials, sometimes we can feel like Jesus is asleep. When circumstances suddenly slap us, it’s easy to focus on the storm because it is so BIG and LOUD.

Like the Disciples in the boat, (Matthew 8:23-27) we can feel very alone and frightened, especially when the ‘storm’ isn’t expected. I call this moment, when all I can see is what’s scaring me, “the scaravision moment.”

At those times, like my little grandson, we need to stand still for a moment; turn our eyes away from the upheaval of the storm and focus on Jesus. He is not asleep, nor is He away from us. His precious Holy Spirit is ALWAYS right there to comfort and strengthen us.

Ps. 121:4 “Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

Heb. 13:5 –for he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Prayer: Father, thank you for being the safe place that I can run to when I’m afraid. Help me to turn to look at you instead of running to hide. Bring your Word to my mind when life gets scary. Thank you for always being beside me.  I love you. Amen.

Scripture reference: 

Matthew 8:23-27 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” (click here to return to table of contents)

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Gotta Get Me Some More of THAT!

I love going to the big warehouse stores like Sam’s Club and Costco! 

The best time to go is on the days when they have vendors set up with little cooking stations.  

As you pass by, the vendors offer you tasty morsels to sample.

The whole idea of this presentation is once you have a ‘taste’, you discover that it’s so good you want to have more! 

Psalms 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.”  I love it when God’s Word uses terms I understand to explain Biblical truth!    One good thing about wanting more of the Lord is that there are NO unhealthy consequences from indulging in “more”.  

When I discipline myself to make healthy life style choices, I reap the physical benefits.  When I discipline myself to make healthy spiritual choices, I reap the benefits of being spiritually stronger, healthier and more alert.  

I need to plan for Bible study and prayer the same way I plan time for exercise.  The discipline of choosing healthy food choices makes a healthy body.  The discipline of spiritual choices makes a strong, effective witness and a successful life.  Make a plan, stick to the plan, reap the benefits; it’s ALL good, “gotta get me some more of THAT”! 

II Peter 1: 4-9  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.


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When It’s Over, It’s Over

One night, I was with my 4 year old grandson, Max. He was very absorbed with a caterpillar He had found and claimed as his “pet worm”.

The worm was a very wiggly worm and Max was having a giggly good time letting it crawl on his face, under his shirt, up his legs and down his socks.  He’d hold it in his hands and pet it with his fingertips, talk to it and was quite involved with  his new pet. 

After awhile, I noticed Max was sitting at the kitchen table, leaning on his elbows staring at the worm, lying before him on a napkin.  I asked him if he was still playing with his “pet”.  He solemnly said, “It’s dead mamaw.”   

Knowing how tenderhearted he is, I said, “Are you sure, Max?” He shrugged and nodded, put his ear down to the still body and said, “Yup, I can not hear him breathing.”  I said, Oh, Max, I’m SO sorry, are YOU ok?” Max, his expression very serious, said, “Yep, I think so.” 

I sat down beside him. We both stared at the dead worm for a moment.  Max looked up at me and said, “It’s ok, mamaw, my worm went to heaven, he haved Jesus in his heart.”  I said, “He DID?” How do you know the worm was saved?’ Max seriously nodded and said, “I prayed with him before he died.” Sitting in quiet thought, he added, “I hope he knowed it was his last chance.” 

He shrugged, wadded the napkin up with the dead body in it and said, “I’m throwin’ it in the toilet cause when you’re dead it’s over and you’re not coming back.” Off down the hall he went.  In a moment, I heard the toilet flush.

Death is part of life. None of us are getting out of here alive; until the Lord returns. The important question is, have YOU received Christ as YOUR Savior? 

Hebrews 9:27 It is appointed unto man once to die and after this, the judgment.

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THAT’S in the BIBLE? Are You Kidding Me?

If you think Bible study is boring, here are a few unexpected things that will help you bring life and humor to your devotions.

Something that would be of particular interest to the parents of daughters is found in Genesis 34.  Dad’s might want to keep this chapter at hand to share with your daughters’ boyfriends.  Just tell him this is your favorite Bible Story and let him read it for himself.  

There is some really kool really weird stuff in the Bible: 

Leviticus 13:34-53 has all you ever wanted to know about mildew. These verses make me really glad we don’t live under the law anymore!  On a humid summer day, I’d have to offer a whole flock of doves to atone for my bathroom shower!  Great illlustration of how the law was meant to show how impossible it is to live by ‘rules’.  Christianity isn’t about rules, it’s about relationship. 

Judges 15:1-6  This father was out of the box when it came to meddling!  And talk about retribution and anger management~! 300 foxes got their tails tied together to hold a torch then turned loose to set fire to a field !  And you thought in-law problems were a ‘today’ thing—ha! 

Deut. 23:12-14  God walked in the camp at night and well; this is the plan for the first outhouse.  God is very aware of our humanity.  

Judges 3:15-25 About a man who was so fat that when he was stabbed, the knife went into him and the fat closed over it and it disappeared.  While the guy was on the toilet, no less!  


God’s Word is about people and relationships!  Biblical customs and times were different but people and their attitudes and weaknesses were the same then as they are today. We are still a needy people and God still meets our needs.

Bible study does not have to be boring.  The Bible has love stories, murder mysteries, government strife, military conquests, household hints, instructions for child rearing and success in life. 

You can find comfort, encouragement, peace and enthusiasm within the pages of the Bible.  It’s still the number one best seller in the literary world today.  The devil tells you it’s boring— so you won’t read it.  But, the devil is a liar.  

Prayer:  Father, God, help me to always find your Word to be new and revealing.  Every time that I read your Word, show me new life applications, for me, right now.  I love you. Amen.



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Are Ya BUSY?

Your job, the kids, house work, yard work, school work, your spouse  AAGH!  Are ya BUSY?  Well, YEAH!

It’s really crazy that as science and technology comes up with more and more gadgets to lighten our work load, we’re busier than ever!   

In a Christian study, made across denominational lines, it was discovered that the number one—number ONE—reason why people don’t go to church is, “just too busy”! 

When interviewed about their personal walk with God, most said they really loved the Lord. But, with family, job and home, the added responsibility of being at church, on time, every time, was just—unreasonable.  

God created us for relationship, primarily relationship with Him.  We also need the encouragement that comes from relationships in the body of Christ. In today’s world, it’s often easy to substitute the surface gratification of networking and social friendships as a substitute for relationships at church.   

We can share our faith on line and we can share our witness with our friends at work. But if we aren’t feeding our own heart by hearing the Word of God and participating in active prayer within the church community, what are we sharing?  

In “The Fourth Commandment, Part I”, 1997, John W. Ritenbaugh wrote “God created the Sabbath because it enhances and protects our relationship with Him. It provides a witness to God, to ourselves and to the world.”  

Does going to church make us a Christian? No.  But going to church gives us the strength and fellowship our human nature needs to live the Christ life and be a strong witness.

We need the strength of ‘presence’ with the body of Christ.  What going to church does do is give us a place to worship, share God’s Word together, encourage each other—and rest. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


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The Talking Bread

A batch of rolls done and on the rise, I started working on a batch of French bread. I was praying for friends and loved ones to be saved, healed, and delivered.   

Not just praying but giving directions, “God, get my brother THAT job and make the loan on THAT house come through for my friend”. I was deep in prayer while I was vigorously kneading that French bread! 

Mid-prayer, God spoke to me, “What would you think if the roll dough said, “I think you should use a lighter hand to knead that French bread so the dough will be more tender”. 

Stunned, I told God, “French bread has to be kneaded with a heavy hand, obviously the rolls have no idea what I’m doing.”  God replied, “Even so.”  I stopped kneading, ‘what?????’ 

Then, I realized, it wasn’t up to me to tell God HOW to do things; it was my place to simply give the ‘life dough’ of those I love to Him and let him “knead” as He wills.  My job ended at bringing their name before Him daily and praying that they be yielded to the Master’s hand.

HE would decide what should be done to lead them, bend them or even break them. The circumstances and trials of their life were between Him and THEM.  A plan for their individual lives, as well as the lives of others through them, had been made in full knowledge of the ‘dough’ He was working with.   

Powerful prayer doesn’t mean giving God detailed instructions about His work in the lives of others. God often uses diversity as a tool and as a witness.  Prayer is important; every prayer IS answered, in God’s perfect timing and plan.

Daily, I continue to bring those I love to the Lord and—just leave them there.  As I pray in the Spirit,  with no opinion given, I rest in knowing that God knows exactly what He’s doing.   

Isaiah 45:11 This is what the LORD says— the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: “Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands?”



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My little grandson  wanted to know who decides what words are cuss words.  I told him that cussing really didn’t make any sense. 

Without exception, every cuss word is actually something else, something that often isn’t bad at all.  I told him to tell me a cuss word and I’d show him what I meant.  

Looking a bit sheepish at the thought of actually saying a cuss word in front of his Mamaw, he leaned over, squinted his eyes shut and quickly breathed, “Hell.”  Having uttered this vile word, he slapped his hand over his mouth and between his fingers whispered, “There mamaw, I said one.”  

I waited till he had regained his composure then said, “Well, what IS Hell?”  He told me it was the place sinners went to spend eternity.  I told him that was right, so would he agree that Hell was actually a place, it really existed?  He nodded in the affirmative.  I said, “Do you think anybody ever says, “Oh, New York!”  How about, “Pittsburg, no!”    

Thinking for a minute, he decided that he didn’t think he’d ever heard anybody do that.  I told him, then, to use Hell as a cuss word didn’t make sense, did it?  He pondered that for a moment and agreed.  He asked about a few more bad words and we talked about what they really were.   

Finally, I told him that sometimes people cuss because they think it makes them look really bad or cool.  Instead, all cussing does is make a person appear to be uninformed; even ignorant.   

With sudden insight, he said, “Hey, Mamaw, isn’t it one of the devil’s jobs to make us look stupid and be a failure?”  I told him he was right.  He leaned back in his seat, crossed his arms and matter of factly said; “Now it all makes sense, thanks, Mamaw.”  

Matthew 5:34-38 But I tell you, do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Prayer:  Father, I want to please you in every way. I don’t ever want my life to disrespect you or the people you created to love you. Help me to keep my lips clean and my heart kind. Thank you. Amen.


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When God Doesn’t Do What We Say

While standing in line at the grocery store, I watched as a young mom wrested with her toddler.  The child was standing, arms folded, lip pouched out and being very vocal about his displeasure with his mom’s life choices for him. 

He wanted candy, she didn’t think that wise.  As a final voice of protest, the child declared, “I don’t like you!  You don’t do what I tell you to do!” 

It was easy for me to watch this life drama and understand the wisdom of the parent and the foolishness of the child.  However, I’m reminded how often I want what I want and I want it NOW! As an adult, I can even take measures to get what I want, even though God tells me some things just aren’t wise——.   

When we ask God for something, we often quote the ‘back up scriptures’ to prove we have a right to get what we ask for.  It is always good to know there is scriptural foundation for the things we want!  But, we must remember that God sees the big picture, not just the moment we are living in right now.   

What we see as a problem, God may see as an opportunity or a moment to show us what our own heart looks like.  Our heart’s desire should be to become what it is that God has intended for us to be; not to have what we think is right.  God rarely works in moments, He works through life times.  It is we who struggle with the moments. 

The next time we don’t see our prayers being answered right NOW, we should trust God works everything for our good; according to HIS purpose and plan. (Romans 8:28)

Some Psychologists may see this “oh well”  attitude as ‘sour grapes’.  But, according to the scripture, it’s acknowledging the sovereignty of God.

Isaiah 46:9-11 “Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure” . . . Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass.  I have purposed it; I will also do it.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to want what you want for my life. Show me the direction to take, the things I must do. I want to be obedient. I love you. Amen.

Scripture Reference:

Romans 8:28   And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose. 


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