But, It Tastes the Same

milk on cereal 2


My grandson spent the night with me.  As I reached for the milk to pour on his breakfast cereal, the carton was empty.  When I told him we were out of milk, he asked if it had been whole milk or skim. I replied, “skim.”  In the tasting wisdom of a little boy, he said, “It’s ok, mamaw, just put cold water on my cereal, if I shut my eyes I won’t notice it’s not white.”    

As Christians, we should not “taste” the same as the world. In Romans, Paul was speaking to the local church about their hypocrisy.  In the “church,” they looked like Christians but when they left the “church,” they were living like the world.  This was not a good example of Godly living and the Apostle Paul was quick to tell them so! 

One of the most effective tools satan has is UNcommitted Christians.  According to surveys taken by Christian polling services; one of the top reasons people give for NOT going to church is because the people in church act just like the people out of church.  So, why waste time with the discipline of going?   

As Christians, we are to be set apart from the world, different, Christ like. If we are no different than the world, why would they want to spend time with our Jesus or go to church with us?  Let’s hold our own lives up to the cleansing light of God’s Word so we have something real to offer a lost and dying world. 

I Peter 2: 9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I want to represent you to everybody around me. Show me how to walk as you walked, how to love and forgive. I want to be a faithful representative of your love.  Amen.

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