Got Patience? God Does.

 frustrated-2681484The hardest part of  having patience is waiting; I want what I want and I want it IMMEDIATELY.   I’m very aware of my own lack of patience, as I’m sure you are aware of your –lack.  

But it wasn’t until very recently that I realized, it is the patience of God, Himself, that is beyond comprehension.  Being busy with Church, community, family–I never thought about how patiently God waits for–me.

It is so easy to focus on ‘doing’ things FOR God instead of actually making time to spend with Him. God created us for relationship with Him but gives us the choice to choose Him—OR not.  Patiently He uses the circumstances of life to draw us toward intimacy with Him.  

It’s interesting to note that Christianity is entirely about relationship. We were created for intimate fellowship with God. Sin ruined that kinship. God sacrificed His own son, Jesus, so that companionship could be restored.  Christianity is not about rules and regulations; it’s about a loving God who wants to have us close to Him.

Jesus sent us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit so we could have not only relationship but have intimate relationship. The Lord of all creation has literally given and done all that can be done in order to make intimacy with Him possible. Now, God patiently waits on us to — respond.   

II Peter 3: 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your patience with me. You always have time to listen when I come to you. Please help me to realize how much you want to spend time with me, to share your Word and plans for my life. I love you. Amen.


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